Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Let's Start Off On The Right Bare Foot

Hey all you party people!! Yeah you! Welcome to my new radio show, Shoes Optional! You're probably one of my friends already so you know who I am, but if you know me, you know I looooooove ice breakers. So here we go!

Q: Who is your spirit tv character?
A: Uncle Iroh... I'd live in the Jasmine Dragon

Q: What is the best type of bear?
A: Duhhh... Black bear. Did you know that bears eat beets?

Make like global warming and break the ice in the comment section by answering those 2 questions!

So why is the show called shoes optional?
Ummmm I thought you knew me! I don't really wear shoes if I can help it. I like the comfort of the fresh air on my feet, the excitement of stepping on all different types of terrain, and being aware of the earth below me and not just the world at eye level.

That's a silly reason to name your radio show. What does that have to do with the actual show?
Well... I thought it sounded cool, get off my back!

Unlike my shoe policy, openness to new music and ideas is not optional. Rest assured I will play all your favorite classic rock standards: The Stones, The Beatles (deal with it Keith), Zep, and Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs (That's good... no that's bad... screw it, I say it's good!!). But, I also will play an array of music from genres that I think all you classic rock fans may like. You'll hear some bluegrass (all of the twang!), psychedlia, jazz, irish reels, celtic rock, and whatever else tickles my fancy.

Don't be a stranger! If there's music you want me to play, music I played that you think is the worst thing since Men in Black II and should never be played again, or just want to chill in the station with me over a cup o' tea and some awesome music, let me know!

My number is 310-903-3808 (how's that for trust), you know my website, check out my facebook page, and channel me psychopathically...psychotically...psycho... with your mind!

-Adam Kellner

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